Tuesday, March 29, 2011

going forward with a painting...

going ahead... or, back to making something. In this case I will be talking about painting, but most of these suggestions are transferable to any of the arts. Once I have an idea I can't shake, I start the painting by composing onto the surface with light pencil sketching. I used to start right away with washes of paint but now I find that way of starting harder to edit and distracting to good impulses at the beginning of visualizing a painting. These impulses can be fleeting and the easier it is to make them happen, the better. Erasing pencil and shifting sketch lines here and there is much simpler to do than moving or ignoring unwanted washes of paint. With pencil you can relax and try different compositions and weights of space and form, change your mind anytime, till you feel things work. When you are satisfied with your sketch, begin to paint. I start with washes at this point, bringing the image into focus with light washes to which I gradually increase the load of paint as needed and as I find what I want. In this way, I also don't loose important spontaneity that exits in the under drawing. Sometimes, pencil lines in that original drawing remain exposed in the final piece and are essential to the success of the finished painting.
Everyone has their own rituals when they prepare to paint, favorite colors you like to start with , selecting the best brushes for the situation at hand... but in the end, clear all advise and thoughts of preparation from your mind. This is the point where you trust your ability and previous experience, you get down to work, allow your thoughts to recede and paint.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am just beginning and starting with pencil is a great idea and very helpful.