Tuesday, February 1, 2011

  I hope that some of what i am going to write will be helpful to you in your creative process.  I am convinced that creativity is essential for sanity.  For me, making art is the closest I get to practicing a religion.  So anything I can do to encourage others to begin or continue a creative process makes sense to me.
  I find essential to the success of any art (no matter what form it takes) is idea.  The idea must be good.  What I mean by idea is your thought process, concept or philosophy that stimulated your desire to create something.  Idea is essential and subjective and comes from the core convictions of each individual.
  Once you have an idea you can't shake, you know you are on your way.  The form will follow. And around the core idea endless improvisation can occur.  Without idea an artist is just playing with the pleasures of their media ( paint, notes, words, clay etc).
  There is no end of ideas and you learn to listen for them.  I find writing them down when i think of them, then going back to read these notes days later, seeing if any of them still hold my interest and feels true, a process that works for me.
  That's all for now.  Looking forward to hearing from you.

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